Hi all, I am new guy I would also like to order the PCB only.
When will it officially release? I am living in Hong Kong, will KEC accept credit card/paypal orders?thx!
Anonymous 寫:Hi all, I am new guy I would also like to order the PCB only. When will it officially release? I am living in Hong Kong, will KEC accept credit card/paypal orders?thx!
Anonymous 寫:Hi all, I am new guy I would also like to order the PCB only. When will it officially release? I am living in Hong Kong, will KEC accept credit card/paypal orders?thx!
guest 是不能登記的....
Oh ...Sorry I have forgotten to login I just want two pcbs(could I exclude the PCM2702) and also LT1085-3.3 and LT1085-5
I hope KEC would accept Credit card/Paypal orders thx a lot for help!
Thanks a lot,hohomok I have sent email to 張大教主,
waiting for reply now
Hoping that 教主will kindly accept my request Looking forward to build my first DAC